
Practical Intelligence Testing Begins

D3Publisher of America announced today that PSP puzzler PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient is now shipping to a cerebrally developed North America. The game offers a series of 3D puzzles to test players' problem-solving skills, and lets the bright -- or the boneheaded -- post their scores for the world to see.

PQ uses a measuring system created with help from Professor Masuo Koyasu of Japan's Kyoto University, whose PQ measurement is much higher than yours.

"This is our first title for PSP and we are confident that it is the perfect game for the platform," commented D3Publisher's Yoji Takenaka. "PQ offers players a meaningful reward for completing the game, an actual intelligence score. It will attract PSP users who are looking for a great game at a great price."

The great price is $29.99, the rating is "E" for Everyone, and the place is your local retailer. We leave it up to you to figure out how to get there.

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